So we built our bed, pinned on our dog tails and laced up our running shoes for race day at the 2012 Great Grove Bed Race in Coconut Grove.

Spay/Neuter: Don’t Litter Running Team

The event was attended by over 20,000 people and our Spay/Neuter team was there to send the message on the importance of spaying and neutering and how it has a direct impact on the pet overpopulation problem in our county.  As many of you know, the intake at our local shelter is very high.  Our adoption rate is also pretty high, but it pales in comparison to the rate of surrenders and the daily intake.  Unfortunately, many times our shelter is over capacity.  And because there aren’t enough homes and people to take all these homeless pets in, they end up being euthanized.

The good news is that if I do my part and you do your part and everyone does theirs, we can collectively reduce problem.  We can all start by spaying and neutering our pets.  Our message was clear, “Spay/Neuter: Don’t Litter”.

Our running team was made up of the following super awesome and super athletic girls.

Geishel Valverde: is the Spartan Race Miami Manager.  She’s also an ambassador for liveutimateand regularly participates in charity 5K and competitive obstacle racing.

Channing Rollo: is a die-hard yogi, obstacle racer and vegan animal lover who volunteers with Miami-Dade Animal Services spay/neuter clinics and the South Florida Wildlife Center.

Caroline Gallina:  is the founder of UM’ s School of Law Chapter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund.  She’s been a vegetarian for 20 years (8 yrs vegan), volunteers with Humane Society of Greater Miami, is a foster mommy for local rescue groups and fabulous distance runner. 

Liz Dinnen:  is a super sweet marathon runner and very active in the running community.

Race day wasn’t all about running.  The Friends Forever rescue dogs and Felix Varela Veterinary Science Magnet Academy students were at our booth wearing their spay/neuter t-shirts and educating attendees on the importance of spaying/neutering.

Booth Group

The event kicked off with a parade in which each team had an opportunity to showcase their theme and their bed to the panel of judges.  Prizes were awarded for best theme, best engineered bed, funniest and crowd favorite.  Our team had a few male un-neutered dogs.  And they were the cutest male dogs I’ve ever seen,  but take a look for yourself.

Bo, Baxter and Bubby

A great time was had by all and a very important message was sent.  Below are some photos taken throughout the day.

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