San Francisco SPCA

San Francisco SPCA

This past January, I had an opportunity to visit the San Francisco SPCA, a really progressive and inspiring organization and a great model for agencies throughout the country to follow.  It was a full day and I wanted to stay for the group cat training class that was held that evening, but time was scarce and it  was hard to fit in all the activities the city had to offer.

Lucky Community

From veterinary behaviorists, which are far and few throughout the country, to community outreach staff, trainers, a fantastic medical team, dog adoption people, cat adoption people.  The San Francisco Bay community really has it good. Knowledge and education is key and this team not only has it, but also they’re willing to share it…with the community, with you, and even with me all the way from across the country.  I was humbled to find how generous Dr. Scarlett was, as she personally toured me through the place and introduced me to all the wonderful folks. Lucky me.

I came, I saw, I took notes

During the holidays, Macy’s gives up window space for adoptable cats and dogs.  You’ve all heard, “Don’t Shop, Adopt”.  At Macy’s in San Francisco, the message is more like “Do shop.  Shop and Adopt”.  This all-encompassing, grassroots collaboration is what it’s about.  Getting all our amazing pets out there, in the community, in the places people go.  Making the adoption option salient in people’s mind and creating emotion and a sense of doing the right thing. Then following up, educating, answering questions and creating success stories.  Friends, neighbors, business owners, teachers, government officials, we can do that.  We’ve already begun.

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